Monday, August 30, 2021

Islam's Descent Into Hell

Taliban militants pose with weapons south of Kabul

Such fine traditions these are in a culture

that heaps honour on the religion of peace

within which one death is a calamity as

though all of humanity has been afflicted

a faith that gives credence to its own survival

through conquest of the raw uncivilized areas

of the world refusing to recite the shahada 

the righteous penalty for which is death shared 

by any who betray the scripture that Prophet

Mohammed painstakingly set down at Allah's 

dictation as the spirit read instructions from the 

Torah and New Testament. A superior deist 

ideology so beloved of the faithful that they 

scatter in terror from the brutal malevolence of 

their tyrants, Islamist butchers whose yearning

for return of the glory of conquest pursues victims 

among their own in a clash of tribal, clan and 

sectarian death-throes while those surviving 

scatter desperately in their millions in search of

haven to the lands where Islam does not reign. 



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