Thursday, August 12, 2021

The Ruling Kingdom

The History of China: Dynasty/Era Summary, Timeline

The formula is a simple one based on the 

human condition of capricious duplicity

avarice and cowardice. First came the carrot

and then the stick, the classic temptation-strike 

duo that has served history well, perfected

in this era by an ancient people whose patience

awaiting their time to take the world stage 

has come in their estimable leader's mood.

The acquisitive world yearned for cheap 

convenience and durable goods with built-in 

obsolescence and China happily volunteered

gathering to itself manufacturing drained 

from the globe and amassed where control 

and output could build a treasury. The power

of investment and hegemonic autocracy now 

propels the Middle Kingdom to its final destiny

the Ruling Kingdom. The Great Wall kept the 

barbarians out. China now builds a new wall 

within which all are snared in the Belt and Road.

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