Thursday, August 19, 2021

Divine Destiny

How Russia, China, and Iran will shape Afghanistan’s future

Oh look, how pleasantly civil it is when

neighbours get on so well together and

all the more so when it is neighbouring

nations for whom the tensions of unfortunate

disagreements evaporate when the calming

effect of a shared piety results in a theocracy

bringing serenity and peace to an otherwise

frequently conflicted region of the world.

The leaders, comfortable in their devotion

to the higher power they espouse themselves

exercise a high power of cynical oppression

on their unappreciative, fearful people. Have

you noticed how the world's refugee population

is swelling, with no relief from increasing

numbers, and they all happen to exit those

same countries in search of peace and liberty

elsewhere? Elsewhere is exasperated having

no wish to absorb any greater numbers than

have already imposed their frantic presence

there. Yet sanctimony arguing with compassion

sees no solution to the enigmatic situation.


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