Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Pride Goeth


How humiliating it can be to be ushered into 

the reality of pride pricked at the table of social 

consciousness when just desserts is served as 

the main course following a peek at the entree 

plated empty of the brilliant cuisine generated by

the knowledge of one who knows everything.

When, with the casual assurance of a botanist

which you are not, you authoritatively

pointed out to a novice the cherries ripening

on a feral forest tree. Consternation on the

bemused face of your companion as she blurted

but..but... that's a hawthorn! And you were

quick to change the subject unable to muster

an acknowledgement of your lack of mastery

in a realm of nature where you 'excelled'.

 My, how that smarts, Ms. Smarty-pants!

Now the question lingering in your mind is

what is more humbling; the realization of 

your absurd error or your inability to own it?


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