Friday, April 23, 2021

You Say Vance, I say Vunce

Trudeau won't say whether there was failure to inform him of Vance  allegations - National |

The hard currency of deception and coercion 

remain the hallmark of the unprincipled yet 

these appear to be distinguishing qualities of 

leadership recognized and awarded in the belief

that none of these traits blemish the record of 

those sufficiently clever to cover their tracks

manipulate their underlings and advantage 

themselves through the influence of position in 

the conceit that no one will challenge them and

risk harm to their own reputations. Thus a 

first-world democracy heralding itself as the very 

example of rigorous and exemplary stewardship 

of the public weal appoints an egotist whose 

manner reeks of entitlement to unscrupled and

deviant behaviour in the certainty that those 

beholden to his favour will hold their tongues 

and in so doing reflect the very characteristics 

of the high-placed government executives who 

chose to appoint him while parading themselves

as superior judges of human values whose reign 

is replete with ill-chosen avenues while lauding 

themselves for their sterling vision for the nation's 

future so very secure in their capable hands. 

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