Thursday, April 22, 2021

Genocidal Future World Impact


Perhaps the true measure of the success of a bold

new enterprise in population control otherwise known 

as genocide, can be captured in a snapshot of its

future impact. Removing the lives of millions from the

roster of existence with the world a living laboratory 

of experimentation through a unique formula of precision 

planning to the very last detail in a country whose 

bureaucracy was celebrated for attention to formulation 

and implementation in concise and determined steps

where it might not have been surprising at the success

of an architecture of mass annihilation, all the more so

with the enthused aid of many helping hands all in fervent

agreement that the presence of Jewish life was quite simply

intolerable; a 'race' of greedy sub-human manipulators

whose ultimate goal was and remains world domination.

The plug of uneasy co-existence removed all the souls

that could be flushed through to eternal damnation in 

outstanding success. To the extent that near a century

forward in time their recovery has never achieved parity 

with pre-Holocaust numbers prior to Jew-cleansing. 

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