Tuesday, April 20, 2021

In The Line of Duty

A police station and nearby businesses were set ablaze on Thursday, the third night of protests in Minneapolis.

Once it would have been unknown but

this is a different era and it is everywhere

known. No longer does a badge and a uniform

guarantee that close scrutiny is impossible

for now there are no dark streets of crime

that cannot be illuminated, no acts of perverse

violence that can go unseen. The dark lion

whose size and potency inspired fear and a

perceived need to be tamed to the very point

of unconsciousness though manacled in a nod

to history and a current electrifying a dark

community to memory on its knee was turned

inside out when a knee transported the meme

to a deviant purpose and death claimed the

struggling king of the jungle. But wait; the

world privy to the sinister drama screamed its

outrage and in the end, judged the uniform

and the shadow of the lion roared tonight.


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