Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Repulsing Impulse

When our very own emotions and state of 
mind sometimes puzzle us and we hardly 
know what to make of moods and internal 
tensions reminding us how much of a mystery 
our feelings are when random moments of 
sorrow strike seemingly without cause much
less memory of past events that brought great
grief how can we relate much less understand
the deep-seated emotions of others groping
for coping mechanisms and in their plight
emit subtle or outright pleas to be noticed.
Their helplessness mirroring an internal state
of tragic insecurity in their forlorn lives
moves you to respond in the hope of bringing
comfort and yet you are left with the feeling
of having imposed on the fragility of mind
lost in a tempest of pain. For no sooner do
you express your bromides despite sincerity
limping from your mind to the consciousness
of a distressed soul you chide yourself on
that impulse to soothe, worrying the thought
it has offended. To listen and to allow that
ventilation of confused suffering may suffice
so could it be your ego that responds in place
of a genuine concern for the other's well-being?

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