Tuesday, September 3, 2019

As The World Turns

As complex as humanity's traits and foibles 
are known to be they are in flux never static
ever evolving as can be witnessed in social
mores, cultural artifices, language preferences
and those who find it all confusing rather than
having acclimated naturally certainly date
themselves. There was a time when the
pedestrian word 'like' was known as an
appreciation of someone or something yet
now represents a manner of hesitant speech
conveyance, a device by which on social
media one registers approval. Once women
of full girth were admired as beautifully
buxom, now their wiry counterparts are
celebrated as the female ideal. Similarly
those of slender proportions occupied the
lower rungs of society when sustenance was
scarce and hard to come by and the wealthy
privileged were full-bodied, considered 
healthy and distinguished. Once gambling
and similar vices of chance were all illegal
and now government subsidizes that trap
reaping its own rewards just as it does with
the evils of tobacco and alcohol adding
recreational once-illicit psychotropic drugs in
the interests of progress and enlightenment.

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