Friday, September 6, 2019


In Her Image

If we had an alternative we would much
prefer to shiver with a frisson of delight
rather than shudder in abject fear but
then that option is not given to us and
we have little choice but to accept that
nature is as impervious to our desires as
is our capability to convince an absolute
tyrant that we should have that preference
as a fundamental right between a trusting
creation and a powerful creator. The very
traits that humankind has inherited through
the genetic code that nature blueprinted
for her creations are in fact those on full
display through the powers unleashed by
an indifferent force that obeys no caution
nor recognizes any constraints on her
unchallenged supremacy. The neutral
nature that we so fervently worship grants
us temporary leases on life and all that
surrounds us, allowing us pleasure in 
the presence of her cornucopia of varied
creations. The fierce, dominating nature
that threatens our very existence equals
the Janus face she has endowed us with.

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