Sunday, September 22, 2019

As It Happens

They teeter in and totter over to the 
regimented rows of objects arrayed
for the very purpose of attracting the
attention of their generation; veritable 
human antiques curious to view the 
collected relics of their treasured past
thoughtful entertainment for those with
expendable discretionary pension incomes
those who assiduously hunt out the
nostalgic items deliberately appealing
to the browsers for this represents the
dealers' income stream though they are
themselves of the same generation
while the very thought of retirement
unfeasible for those who choose of
necessity to continue the mercantile
stream earning their way toward
their own antique states of being. Yet
no hard feelings between these haves
and have-nots in this continuum of
service whereby the comfortable bored
depend upon the diligent enterprise
of their counterparts whom fortune
has skipped by, left to entrepreneurial
disposition to depend on the predictable
acquisitiveness of others offered brief 
re-acquaintance with the past enabling
the sellers their own end-of-lifestyle
dependence, both valuing the exchange.

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