Friday, September 27, 2019

Autumnal Forest

Acorns litter the forest floor like
excess offcasts in this forest for here
the mighty oak is king and fall has
arrived. Good news for the denizens
of the forest this year, that nature
has provided well for their winter
survival. Nuts and seeds there will be
aplenty. Already fall winds blasting
through the dense canopy scatter an
endless array of woody detritus. 
Though a cool autumn day, shafts 
of sunlight penetrate the still-green
density of maple and yellow birch
both sun and wind coordinating a
dance of silhouettes on the forest floor.
Hemlock and pine saplings rooted
under massive old trunks soon to be
buried under a heavy blanket of snow.
The understory of dogwood and 
moose maple blushing pink and gold.
Mosses and lichen cling to shaggy
bark and fungi, capped in browns
orange and red like ornaments. 

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