Friday, August 16, 2019

Welcome to My Kitchen

Who might have imagined, not I
unschooled as I am that I would one
day become an accomplished chemist
with a working laboratory of my own
capable of twinning organic matter
mixing and theorizing to an exquisite
degree as a choreography of ongoing
experiments succeeded to such a
degree that it became apparent one has
no real need of an academic degree to
achieve such goals as one sets for
oneself. Each one a challenge. Each
one calling on inner resourcefulness
and familiarity with the raw materials
to design an experiment in the creation
of something different and appealing.
Yes, it must be appealing. Take a seat.
Relax. Yes, there is a divine aroma and
we can share it. Here, I've just brought
this out of the oven, an old-fashioned
bread. Would you like a slice with
your coffee and we can discuss together
the arcane arts and science of baking?

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