Saturday, August 10, 2019

Impresario Extraordinaire

Suppose nature has some of the 
qualities of temperament we ascribe
to the vast varieties that humans have
and she was fed up with our interminable
complaints about her weather designs
never satisfied when it's hot and sunny
or sufficiently complacent with high
humidity and incessant rainfalls, sigh
that it's too windy and we're fed up
with it all, preferring a bit of moderation.
Like any sometimes-good-natured
despot she set out to confuse us and
succeeded admirably. When we planned
for an afternoon stroll through the forest
the sun sat high in the sky with not a
sign of any competition detected on
the near horizon, just that bright orb
sailing through the azure ocean above
that clamps its lid on our landscape. Yet
halfway through our hike came the
sonorous, deep-throated warning of a
storm in the offing. The ambient warmth
turned to cold as a harsh wind blew and
the sky invited dark clouds to obscure
that brilliant disk. Another and another
roll of thunder closer bringing thick wet
rain to anoint our heads. But this is a 
forest in summer with a robust green 
canopy and it kept us dry as we saw
every bit of vegetation drenched but
not ourselves and then the sun found a
gap in the clouds, illuminating the dense
curtains of rain and the game commenced
with both sun and rain competing for
dominance, a theatrical performance
worthy of the best that nature designs.


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