Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Fabled Moon

Last night a vision of rotund
light shimmered and danced before
my eyes out of the dark velvet of
the late-night sky as the moon took
center stage and though stars like
courtiers surrounding a queen
curtsied and bowed their presence
it was she that glowed and glimmered
a presence of undiluted grace and
beauty. Ah, I thought, a full moon
but I was wrong. That event is this
very evening and I wonder about 
lifting tides influenced by that lunar
presence, and thought as well of
the ancient belief in that mysterious
orb's influence on those who inhabit
the planet about which it revolves
concluding it may just be possible
that lunatics may be impelled by
her persuasive draw to gather in
numbers on the dark streets of cities
below to bow and curtsy to the
rhythm of her ineffable dominion.

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