Monday, November 19, 2018

The Human Construct

There can be no doubt about the reality of 
existence for it is fraught with perils that must 
be faced and somehow overcome lest tragedy
overtake those unable or unwilling to fend 
for themselves in preventing through whatever 
means necessary voiding their lives through 
inaction and lack of caution. Those whom fate 
have placed in backward tribal-infested countries 
where culture is infested with suspicion, hatred 
and violence are never at a lack to find others 
lower on the scale of survival probabilities 
than themselves, working through their fears
and frustrations by persecuting those less able
to mount defences. In socially and economically 
advanced culture where laws are enacted to
ensure that social justice protects everyone the 
pathology of hate seeks the shelter of anonymity 
slithering its presence into dark recesses of 
the mind and public social order is maintained. 
The advent of communication on a global scale 
unimpeded by distance and cost has unleashed 
the primitive in those whose tribal roots remain 
deeply embedded enabling sinister communion 
in the brotherhood of ethnic, racist, tribal venom
emboldening with its assurance of the presence
of shared vitriol that sheer numbers alongside 
the certitude of superiority qualifies them to 
creep out of the shadows resurrecting their 
mantra of racist-inspired leadership under which 
the unter-mensch grovel to plead for their lives 
forfeited to the conquest of the uber-mensch. 

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