Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Repulsing Extermination

Disdain, oppress and persecute anyone
long enough, threaten, demean, humiliate
and they've been psychically wounded. Carry 
on and add to that litany of contempt casual 
violence enabled by diminishing the human 
stature of those forever at target and then no 
type of assault, no corrective violence to alter
their place in the world seems to suffice. Leaving 
the ultimate expedient of ridding oneself of an
intolerable nuisance whose presence galls and 
we enter the theatre of atrocities once expressed 
in the frequency of deadly pogroms which 
themselves were obviously inadequate to rid 
the world of the pestilence of Jews. Enter the 
Final Solution to ultimately forge a perpetual 
motion machine; delegitimize sanction, isolate 
and violate paving the way inevitably for vast 
populations of those whose heritage found root 
in what the pious call the Holy Land to be 
obliterated. That was then. Now the remainders 
of the despised have resurrected their ancient 
homeland and now they respond blow for blow. 
Yet there is the reality of timid hesitation, full 
self confidence absent for the outlier nation 
remains held in low regard yet yearns for 
approval so in response to deadly provocations 
looks to the international community, unwilling 
to earn further censure and so refrains from 
striking the final blow to an enemy once
again wholly dedicated to its extermination.

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