Monday, November 5, 2018

Alert, Aware, Aversive

Control and power? Begin at the beginning.
Language, communication, the power of
words in the long stretch to control. Name
yourself in terms that appeal to the audience:
National Socialism; a world of good can be
read into those words, and nothing ill can
possibly result from a dictatorship whose
stated purpose is for the people of the people
by the people, now can it? If the people are
Aryan they represent perfection in the human
body and spirit, the ubermensch whose storied
achievements will lead to world domination.
If the people are Jews they are destined for
total elimination despite that among them
are exemplars of extraordinary expertise in
science, medicine, the arts, economics, music
representing a cleverly covert cover for their
true aspirations to assert complete control of
the world's news media, finances and politics
to serve the exclusive needs of a people who
in reality are a scourge wherever they inveigle
their venomous presence. Those charges nicely
bolstered by skilled and relentless parodies 
depicting Jews as evil, consciencelessly brutal
spreading viral disease wherever their polluted
wanderings take them. The verbal assaults
succeed wildly leading the willing to accept that
these sub-humans have no place in society
anywhere and must be exterminated. The
test of resolve from Kristallnacht to the Ovens
of Auschwitz succeeded but yet failed for
the pestilence still roams the Earth despite
the dedication of anti-Semites everywhere to
destroy what they themselves can never aspire
to become; decent and  honourable, prepared 
to forgive the rank stupidity of humankind
while maintaining the clear vision that what
occurred once struggles constantly to reoccur.

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