Monday, November 26, 2018

Patience, Patient!

There it goes, that subconscious
chimera of an emotion between a
shudder and a grimace elicited by
that nauseating sound of your heart
sucking and sloshing as the skilled
technician, courteous and reserved
plies her expertise for that echogram
you were scheduled for. Her free
hand manipulates keys, swiftly and
gently hovers on the mouse of that
peculiar keyboard her eyes fixed on
the monitor that you'd prefer to
bypass, fixing your attention instead
on her curly blond hair, the way her
eyelashes form their delicate arc
over her eyes, silhouetted in the
dim light of the chamber where
you lie inclined on a gurney and
where her left hand probes your chest
with that sensitive device producing
the images on that screen. Explosions
of colour, red, green, yellow as your
heart beats its rhythm, regular you
hope as you submit to the ritual and
she efficiently and unerringly guides
her instruments to fulfill the very 
specific directions your cardiologist 
determined to interpret the mystery 
inherent in your ill-performing heart.

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