The Creative Mind
Auguste Rodin |
The Creative Mind
If the human mind is the seat of the
soul, and thought to be endowed with
a divine spark reflecting the original
creation what could surpass it in its
creative genius? Granted, few wear the
undisputed crown of genius, but those
that do earn it by the very unique and
rare spirit within that moves them to
imagine, theorize and propose. Those we
admire for their obvious and great talents
whose greatness is inspired by the fine
capacity of their intelligence outdistancing
all others have laid the groundwork for
any and all momentum humankind has
realized in its relentless march to the
present where we look back and cannot
but venerate the body of work that has
brought us to the state of appreciating
aesthetic beauty mirroring nature's own
creative genius, and the technological
advances that have brought us from the
taming of fire to careful handling of atomic
power, yet we are now so in thrall of the
inspired width and breadth of memory
instilled by us in machinery that we are
eager to surrender human agency to the
anticipated power, thrust and unalloyed
process-perfection of artificial intelligence.
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