Friday, September 1, 2017

Calling It

Procrastination? Not at all, not one bit of it.
It's simply that practicalities must be
observed; for example timing schedules
and whether the weather cooperates, right?
We're talking yardwork, after all, not quite
gardening. It is the garden but this does not
equate with pleasure in particular, it is simply
work that must be done. In recognition of
the season coming to a close, you see, summer
giving way to fall. Shorter days, fewer sunlight
hours, cold nights and cooler days. Add to
that the fact that the plants in the garden have
worked so damnably hard all spring and
summer, they're in need of a break and this
is it, close on the horizon. They're spent, all
those roses, lilies and late-blooming beauties.
Just as one takes pride in a neat and clean
home, that pride is extended to the garden
which calls out to be tidied up. Admittedly
the springtime preparations enticing the
garden to break out of its winter embrace in
the frozen earth is a time of fun and discovery
when working in the garden represents pleasure.
That's gardening. Cleaning up in the fall not
so much. It's called yardwork for good reason.
So now we're faced with the fall focus on
ridding the garden of its spent flora. As it
happens those reasons to hesitate over going
at it are numerous. It's too hot yet, with a 
searing wind, to commit to that time-consuming
task. On the other hand there are days when
it's simply too cool and windy to finally urge
oneself to get out there and do it, finally. The
day will come, as it must, when it is not too
hot, nor too cool and time's a-wasting. Prod
yourself and go to it; not procrastination, no!

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