Sunday, September 24, 2017

Enduring Love

Manifestly there is enduring durability
in the symbiosis of mutual need within
which lies gratification in the realization
that security and enjoyment, stability
and trust seated deep within mutual love
mark out the covenant the fortunate take
comfort in. Although love itself may be
mysterious there is no mystery in love
and its rewards. Extending to another the
divine spark of one soul reaching out to
another to find its binary destiny and the
purpose of life, those who are fortunate
make that discovery and cherish their
fortune, while others struggle, oblivious
that caring for another is paramount in
placing oneself as a complement to the
other. A natural response to some but
difficult to attain for those who see 
their needs superior unwilling to forego
or diminish that drive to conquer all
for in so doing they stifle opportunity.
Nature's formula is straightforward
and simple enough: loving oneself too
fervently then leaves too little to share.

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