Saturday, September 16, 2017

Terrifying You

And then, when your heart finally starts
beating again, you take a deep breath
and tell him, calmly and with deliberation
'over my dead body', and there is no reaction
other than his own calm response that this
is something he will do. You've been
together, you and him, for far longer than
most people on this earth have lived in
years well and truly spent and he is the
same man as the boy he once was loving
you as you love him. But his spirit is his
own and it cannot be tamed to fear any
consequences of his decisions, for he
thinks deeply of his responsibilities as
he assumes them to be. Not for him to
hire out dangerous work that he feels he
is eminently capable of performing, even
though that work represents a profession
whose practitioners are available and 
more than capable of performing well. 
But not, in his opionated mind, while he 
remains wholly capable of seeing to it 
all on his own diminished steam, you see.


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