Thursday, April 24, 2014

Prideful Fall

On seeing the gleaming long
slide someone had taken
in the spring muck of the
trail she briefly mused on
how careless and inexperienced
some people are. Priding herself
on her faultless sense of balance,
her boundless energy and
muscular legs long accustomed
to the demands of hiking over
difficult terrain, she plunged ahead
with her signature confidence,
descending the long forested
hill, taking care to avoid the
still-prevalent but gradually
melting ice pack. Forging a
swift but carefully chosen route,
basking in the warmth of the sun,
the freshening wind, the cool, cool
atmosphere, something quite
contrary occurred as her
leading foot found a mud slide
where firm soil should be and
the seconds it took for her
rear to glide deep into the muck
as her unprepared body hugged
the welcoming forest floor
seemed an eternity of suspense
as she viscerally responded to
spurn the mud's embrace
... and could not.

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