Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Flash Mob

A veritable riot of action
and reaction, a swift
pandemonium of alertly
possessive tiny furred creatures
and those colourfully feathered,
congregated to snatch and peck
the seeds and nuts conscientiously
scattered in aid of their survival
creating the atmosphere of
convivial communion despite
taking place in a cold and
miserable deluge that would
bring nasty discomfort to those
distributing birdseed and nuts,
but seemed to motivate those
creatures to frenzied activity.
The crimson cardinal, slate juncos
song sparrows and chickadees
flitting in nearby shrubs, and
the territorial-flipped sharing
of squirrels, tiny pugnacious red,
the entitled black, and the 
cautiously aware greys. Even
the impish black hanging by
its clever hind paws from the
swinging bird feeder, nibbling
seed, monopolizing opportunity
until a four-part altercation
of offended propriety urged
surrender to the ebbing patience of
the birds in this frantic alter-world.

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