Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Judgement Day

Judge not lest you be judged, wisely
proclaimed biblical sages who counselled
against social pathologies injurious
to the welfare of humankind. For
we are all too often not given to
kindness and compassion for one
another, choosing instead from
among the emotions instilled within
our psyches, destructive inclinations
of gossip, slander, invoking the
righteous wisdom of superiority
and entitlements while denying that
others are similarly gifted, leading
to tribal, clan and sectarian hatreds
resulting in mass migrations of
violent displacement, possessions
looted, the designated lesser mortals
slaughtered, while the originator
whose blueprint for survival these
evils represent scowls reprovingly,
and moves to do ... nothing. Omnipotent,
omniscient, omnipresent and abundantly
indifferent. So why may god his very self
not be judged on the historical record
of his unholy, disastrous failures?

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