Sunday, April 6, 2014


In the beginning there was chaos
until a gregarious atom
encouraged a clubby atmosphere
where they all gathered and
finally, there was order.

At first there were hot gases
but then cool season prevailed
and minerals and metals crusted
the fires. One lone amoeba

suffered incurable hubris;
thought she could do better
and founded a dynasty
on her vision. In time, a
she-ape clambered down from the trees,

pointed at the sea and declared
'there is my Creatrix!'
named her daughter Eve and set
her the task of naming others.

So Eve chatted up giraffes
and elephants, whales and crickets.
She called a brash Adamai
snake-in-the-grass for offering
her figs when she said

she couldn't give a damnation
for his ignorance. Everything
was fine until he learned
to wield a pen while she

continued to till the earth.
Eve provided crops 
for their offspring and Adamai
pushed back the night of eternity

offering superiority and his
own rendering of truth;
that of himself as Supreme Creator
half of him up there,
the other half down here.

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