Sunday, April 13, 2014


Her Passion of Will

So many years ago when she
was young and beautiful,
strong-willed and passionate
she wondered where her white knight
was bashfully lingering, loathe
to reveal his adoring presence. She
felt anguished by her pressing need
to be cherished. Love alone would not
do, and she was uncertain just
what truly signified love. One 
suitor after another surfaced
from that vast ocean of life, but
over time each was discarded 
for they cared far more for
themselves than they did for her
and she reflected her dismay in
dismissing them as inauthentic.
Now older, somewhat wiser, he has
at last appeared, bearing little
physical resemblance to her
imagined knight. A trifle shopworn
with time and grizzled in appearance
he offers her love and the devotion
of his soul. He tends carefully to
her needs and like a gardener
in the famed garden of love,
brings her sad, glad heart, no end
of sumptuous, fragrant bouquets.

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