The moon hangs splendidly, full
and luminous, a priceless
jewel resting on the dusky
bosom of the sky, welcoming
the arrival of longer days, a
cotillion of stars dancing aloft.
In the western quadrant of
the Spring Equinox, Venus and
Jupiter entertain their admirers.
Beneath the soft blue canopy
the world awaits deliverance still
from winter, grudgingly unwilling
to decamp. The signs are there,
amidst ice and snow, gale and
sleet, as arrow-straight, long lines
of returning geese crease the
sky unceasingly night and day.
The first tentative peek dawn
makes of the coming day
awakens scarlet-plumed cardinals
to trill their joyful welcome,
pulling back the shades of dark.
At day's close, when the blind of
darkness hovers then descends,
robins pipe their clarion retreat.
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