Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ode To Jonas

If there exists a finer writer
than this well-seasoned
news analyst so endlessly
skilled in verbally puncturing
social and political errancies
at the command of those the
public rests their trust within,
he/she humbly hides their
talent well. Jonas flaunts
his casually to brilliant effect.

His intellect knows as few
equals as his experience. His
sardonic wit raises sarcasm
and irony to heights never seen
since the publishing farewell of
that wildly amusing Oscar Wilde.
They had much in common,
besides dry, sly wit and exquisitely
arcane modes of expression.

Both found the British peerage
incidentally, fertile ground for
personal development. One of these
masters of language and prose
charmingly intimate in a boudoir
liaison with the offspring of a
Marquis. The other quite bosomy
in the intimate acquaintance with
the glamourous wife of a Lord.

"Lighting a candle is better than
cursing the darkness, they say. Trying
at home may be a good idea; it's
usually quite safe. Doing it in a
gunpowder depot not so much. It
may be more uplifting than initially
"On June 4, 2009, standing behind
the powder keg of a lectern at the
University of Cairo, President Obama
lit a candle. He declared his
"unyielding belief" that Egyptians
yearn for things their government
denies them. This was probably true,
and included Islamist militancy.
Explosions (a.k.a. the Arab Spring)
followed about a year and a half
later. They show no sign of abating
anytime soon." G.Jonas, March 10, 2012,
National Post

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