Thursday, March 29, 2012

Requiem For A Dying Penny

Truly, the times they are a-changing.
That which we take for granted, never
give a second thought to, find a
nuisance in its plenitude, and a
necessity when oddly scarce, suddenly
on the brink of extinction. Surely a rash
decision. Penny for your thoughts?

A decree from on high and another
species threatened. What could be more
common yet disregarded and discarded
than the lowest common denominator?
Our most humble of currencies, in
point of fact; ingloriously spurned,
shunted aside, shunned, shamed.

The copper penny, indispensable
in trade, exchange, the retail market and
children's allowance; a penny for a sweet
treat, abandoned. Our pocket books will
weightily jingle with other monetary
hardware; it, however, not worth a cent.
Gone, wistfully enshrined in memory.

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