Monday, March 19, 2012


Have a care and be aware,
bitterness extracts its weight
in corrosive hatred in those
who choose to clasp its vitriolic
comfort, but it has a habit of
claiming permanent residence,
eroding trust and hope and the
capacity to forgive, forget and
forge on with life. Care and
affection flee in terror of the
visage of the embittered virago
who lapses into the acid depths
of blame, dipping each word
escaping her desiccated lips
in its excoriating share of
damnation. The shell, devoid
of kindness, empathy and trust
has forgotten how to care and
to share, resorting finally to
bitterly bemoaning the unjust
state of her abandonment;
alone, bereft of friends,
fearful and miserable.

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