Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Semitic Lost Tribe

toy-gun.<span class=

Tutoring children in the uber-national
glories of heroism has been a standard
feature of many societies. None have
perfected that passion to the degree of
emotional dedication to the standards
the Palestinians have managed. None
too young to be inducted into the halls
of vicious hatred. Inspire fear and
dread and hatred born of self-preservation
rears its serpent's hissing head. From the
cradle to the grave, infancy to agedness,
the sublime spark of tolerant humanity
is drained, replaced by implacable
loathing and a will to the pride of
celebrated martyrdom. This, indeed,
represents the fate of an unfortunately
lost tribe. In the ecstatic blessing they
perceive in hastening the deaths of
others, through terror-induced atrocities
they find their sublime salvation.

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