Beginner's Chemistry

Heed this formula, tried and true.
Beckon shorter daylight hours;
match that with a cooling trend
(tired of hot, humid, sunny days,
are you not?). Sprinkle here and
there generous rain events. And
summon up a bit of errant wind.
Well done, relax and enjoy the change.
Warning: this is no mere experiment.
What it represents is a cyclical, natural
event. And what results is, in a manner
of speaking, miraculous. Blazing colours
held aloft by previously chlorophyll-green
leaf-laden trees; during night-time hours,
hush: listen to the songbirds tweeting
across the continent. Daytime, observe
as furred forest creatures forage.
Enjoy the fragrance of ripening fruits,
ready for the table, brilliant, misshapen
gourds to decorate your door. Stop -
right - there. And go no further. Reverse
thrust and lengthen those daylight hours,
recall the warm, sunny days, bring back
those balmy breezes. What, your
chemistry set has suddenly imploded?!
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