Just Saying...

Is it not paradoxical, odd, at the very least
- come on, admit it - in all seriousness,
that hatch-and-dispatch notices are
co-located in the daily newspaper?
Some wag obviously pioneered that
tradition to represent a standby, someone
with an arch sense of humour, no doubt. The
juxtaposition says it all - life's trajectory;
inevitable, unavoidable - do your best,
this offer is no experiment. Furthermore,
placed in the Lifestyles Section of the paper?
Wait, there's more. Haven't you noticed?
Another wag has placed an advert for
Travel Insurance on the Memorials/
Remembrance page. Who knew one
requires that too, to speed us on our
way, Gadzooks! And here we had the
impression that the heavenly escalator
went either up or down - it's St. Peter's
call, after all, isn't it? Is the travel insurance
a kind of discreet bribe proffered up there?
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