All Saints

As though the world does not have
enough ogres, ugly giants and
evil-tempered troglodytes, they're
boasting a veritable home-coming
convention of eerie companions
this dark, windy, cloudy night. We
quail and quiver in our lairs in
fearful anticipation of the night.
Oh, nothing truly sinister like
black cats zooming through the sky
and tyrants, dictators and other
assorted thugs that habitually
oppress, threaten and traumatize
the helpless. No, it's the budding
aspirants who find the fearsomely
forbidding somehow appealing
as stylistic mentors-at-large.
So, out they crawl, creep and
stealthily advance, horns in place,
fangs in full view and hideous
laughter haunting the atmosphere.
The devils and the ghouls, the
goblins and the ghosts, the
witches and warlocks converge.
Wait, what's this? An opposing
flock of our better angels drifting
toward the dark mass, their
brilliant presence sparking a
revolution of shooting stars with the
antique music of the spheres above
drowning the ghastly menace forced
to withdraw as the saintly prevail!
Householders may now breathe a
sigh of abated comfort. Extinguish
those exterior lights ablaze to welcome
the darkly-led miseries engulfed by the
presence of fairies and princes. All the
priceless treasures have been claimed.
We may now close firmly shut our doors;
no more tricks, gone the treats.
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