Saturday, February 12, 2011

Treasure This

Amassed, over those too-fleeting years,
a treasury of signs, gentle and
comforting residing deep in our
subconscious, constantly retrieved,
subtly signalling that our yearning
for love has long since been fulfilled
yet continues to flow in an
endless stream of tender concern,
sweet consideration,
amiable appreciate and quickness
of the pulse of passionate need,
at sight and touch.

Your smile a strand of priceless pearls.
The sound of your voice a
quiescent sea lapping upon the
emerald-sparkling shore of a fecund forest.
Touch me and the wind of desire courses
the ruby red of our blood.
Sit by me in companionship and the
horizon broadens in sapphire blue.
Speak my name known only to you
and the Universe spins its starry diamonds.

You gave me your trust
wrapped gently around your heart
when we were yet children. Never
have you asked for its return.
I have tended to its need with
devotion and care. Knowing the
while it was a pale imitation of
what I gained when I offered mine
saying - here it is!
Handle with care.

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