Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Over there a lunatic
megalomaniac is
importing mercenaries
to strafe, bomb
and mercilessly slaughter
his subjects,
those who have finally risen
beyond their fears
of reprisal to
defy the
King of Kings, the
Glorious Leader of the Revolution.
His faithful Revolutionary Guard
abetted by the mercenaries
are instructed to hunt down
the 'greasy, drug-addled rats'
upon whom the regime
has pronounced
a death sentence.

Over here, the
news media is drenched
with stories and
reports of blood-soaked
atrocities, video clips
of the delusionally ranting
tyrant; sound clips
of protesters desperately
attempting to flee
helicopter gunship assaults.
The UN Secretary General
demands an immediate halt
to the bloodshed
while the UN Human Rights Commission
sees nothing particularly amiss.
Western civil society is offended
by the crushing of dissent,
gravely concerned at the
insolence of a monster
unconcerned about world opinion.
Infinitely more so at the
inevitable prospect of a steep
rise in the price of fossil fuels.

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