Thursday, February 10, 2011

Life As Mirage

What is destiny
but a predetermined course set
uncompromisingly through
the trajectory of the future...
It derides our vain attempts to
ourselves determine
the course of our lives.

Resolutely set by a power
infinitely superior
to our feeble human desires
and aspirations, it sits
implacably, coldly complacent
in control of what we imagine
we may sway.

What then is free will if
we may feel we design our
futures through choice
not fortune and happenstance?
Does some ineffable presence amuse itself
by carelessly selecting
scenarios affecting the outcomes
of peoples' lives
and we mere puppets manipulated
on the coarse strings of
manifest destiny?

Is this Sartres' accusation
writ large
that we are created to fulfill
a divine spirit's "selfish ends",
existing as pawns
in the Almighty's quixotic mind?

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