Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Eternal Zion


Patiently we waited, from antiquity to the

present as generation followed generation 

and countless years passed while we in the 

interim shared with the world at large our 

inherited endowments everlastingly seeking 

that place of our own, recalling the promise 

and the exile. Assuring ourselves we would

return to our origins to reclaim our heritage

joining with those who faithfully awaited 

reunion. All the while as we wandered and settled 

across the globe seeking temporary shelter from

the never-ending gales of grudging permission 

flaring now and again into winds of warning 

tornadoes of rejection. Perseverance and hope 

we nurtured in the faith of return, adamant that 

we would in time. And when that time arrived 

it was not without desolation that the price was 

a Holocaust of bleak death and unappeasable

sorrow. Zion beckoned and we aroused ourselves

to the enchantment of memory and desire.

Our dire need of haven from a world forever 

hostile, dedicated to annihilating our presence 

we endured the utterly unendurable to achieve 

the promise. Spirit intact, dignity and pride moved

us forward and anchored us to the land of our

birth, where we belong. Those errant winds

raging dissonant against our intent seek to

dislodge us, render us helpless, consign us

to wandering once again but cannot prevail.

The world's antipathy will never again

move us from our ancestral belonging. We

spurn its sanctions as predestination has

the final word, our pride and dignity intact.


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