Monday, March 18, 2024

Canada's Voters' Remorse

A man in a blue shirt and tie gives a speech.

Narcissistic sociopaths, confident and buoyed 

by their own self-assurance exuding socially 

enhanced charisma experience no difficulty 

in persuading a wide public in search of a 

strong leader so they can rely on the principled 

values of a man lacking the experience required

as a chief administrator of a nation to do justice 

to those expectations. Acclaimed for a dynastic 

family name and a cheerful mien, and elevated 

to the highest political office of the country, he

set about methodically transforming a once-proud

nation to his personal warped vision, elevating 

the concept of a post-national state where all 

would be welcome to revel in his penchant of 

catering to great swaths of migrants, refugees 

and immigrants whose own cultural values 

history, heritage, tribalism, sectarianism ensured

they would never integrate into the social fabric

of the existing society. In his pursuit of a nation

transformed, this prime minister flouted the laws

of the land, created regional divisions, set about

pauperizing the country, abandoned support of

like democracies, embraced authoritarian regimes

while becoming increasingly autocratic and 

immune to the pleas of original citizens set upon

by the influx of an oppressive, violent racist

demographic of growing dimensions who fully

appreciative of their freedom to threaten and

create upheaval would be certain to repay that

opportunity with the confidence of votes to

retain his position. A population in turmoil and

profound regret for their choice, now bemoans

their nation's downfall at the hands of a charlatan

whose persuasive promises and smiles duped them.


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