Saturday, March 30, 2024

The Emerging Spring Forest


It may be raw and blustery despite the turn of the 

season toward spring, but the warming sun mediates 

between cold and wind and catkins can be seen 

beginning to droop from wild hazelnut shrubs 

along the forest pathways. Squirrels on the early

spring chase of mating, oblivious to the presence

of woodland interlopers, hawks returning to their

breeding grounds.The dun monopoly of spring has 

overtaken the stark white-and-black of winter. Sap 

is rising from tree roots to their crowns to remind the

deciduous forest it's time to renew their foliage. 

On the forest floor remnants of winter's icepack linger. 

The forest creek is awash with last fall's discarded 

leaves and winter's fallen detritus. Robins fly over 

the rushing water as it hastens to join a mighty river 

downstream. Mallards stop over to rest on their reverse

migration heading to the northern boreal forests. A 

territorial conversation between interrogating barred owls 

alerts to a dispute. Wherever owls tend to roost and

nest the azure of the sky beyond the forest canopy hosts 

outspread black wings, the rough caws of a murder of 

crows revealing the presence of a haunted predator.

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