Tuesday, March 26, 2024



Islamophobia? Now what IS that. A word

a curse, a malediction, certainly a pejorative

yet an acknowledgement that from the

sacred text of the Koran and the Hadiths

messages to the faithful inspire them to

jihad by any means for this is expected of

ardent Muslims for whom Islam is the

guiding light of their lives in every

conceivable way for they must please 

the rigorous comportment demands of 

Allah and Prophet Mohammad through

strict adherence to the foremost principle

of conflict with unbelievers. To turn them

toward the sacrament of allegiance so their

lives may be spared, spurning war, welcoming

peace to be found only within Mohammad's

purloined Islam with all its elements of

Judaic structure and belief while campaigning

to destroy Israel and Jewish life, unworthy as

the crucible of God's promise. Islamophobia?

what is that other than the recognition that it

is from Islam that terror floods the world of 

non-believers. Terror whose purpose is to strike

fear, to attack, to mutilate, to rape, to destroy

and pillage, and finally to bring peace to the 

unworthy world when all those who refuse

surrender are slaughtered while the fearful

remainder are converted. Islamophobia? That

would be the reality that even among Muslim

adherents faithful to Islam, death stalks them

for ancient clan, tribal and sectarian animosity

ensures that within the realm of peace, war

will never cease as Islam devours its own.



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