Friday, January 19, 2024

The Social Caustic of the Day


Under a tidal wave of a suddenly emergent virus

the world community focused its attention and fear 

on a respiratory illness of varied dimensions 

capable of destroying the lives of millions worldwide 

as those spared quivered and shrank in the dread of

becoming one of the victims of a malady so little 

understood and so malignant science itself quaked 

and quivered in helpless dismay. None seemed to 

realize that another pathogen sought entry to make 

headway where the previous one laid humankind low. 

With the speed of a geyser unleashed, the world 

became suffused with the virus of hate, where the

purported victims were the oppressors courtesy of a

new ideology in the pantheon of humanity's

psychosocial 'corrections' over the ages where

groups arose to avenge past indignities cursing and 

killing in tribalism's primitive impetus to destroy 

and to pillage. A modern equivalent has infiltrated 

broader social interests, conspiring to bring low 

those identified as overlords to have them cower and 

cringe under a religious banner of woke critical race 

theory heralding diversity, equity and inclusion geared 

to the illusionary concept of justice for those whose 

grievances must be addressed through twisting the 

social order to benefit those hitherto considered fringe.


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