Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Humanitarian Red Cross

There is laudable nobility of purpose in those within 

any society for whom humanitarian work comprises 

the essence of their enterprise in tending to the needs 

of those suffering deprivation and the fear of violence 

and homelessness as the outcome of natural disasters

and the horrors visited upon civilian populations during 

conflict. Among humanitarian groups and individuals 

feted and gratefully admired for their dedication to the 

affairs of international and national aid none can claim 

more popular, thankful support than that estimable old 

organization, the Red Cross. Moreover the International 

Committee of the Red Cross has reason, in popular opinion

to bask in satisfaction that it has achieved that universal 

recognition. Behind the beneficent facade, however, lies a 

different story for those seen less entitled to its generosity 

of purposeful spirit and dedication to humane relief when 

desperately required. A not-so-distant history of failing

to exert their capacity for aid to victims of the Holocaust

along with the group's documented assistance given to

Nazi notables escaping justice. But more recent events

as well highlighted for those whose torment has been 

ignored, that the Red Cross made no effort to succour

the tribulations of Israeli victims of Islamist violence.

Much less delivery of life-saving medications to Jews

held as disposable pawns, choosing to delegate delivery 

of life-saving drugs to elderly and infirm victims to 

the kindly auspices of the very terrorist group that 

captured, tortured and imprisoned them, preferring to

withhold the drugs before slaughtering their victims.



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