Wednesday, January 3, 2024

The Holocaust Years

In the Holocaust years when genocide was the

planned fate of Europe's Jews eradicated from the

face of the Earth with industrialized precision

the world turned away disinterested and quite

simply bored with Jews portraying themselves

as endlessly victimized throughout human

history. This eradication would fix the problem.

No Jews, no victims. And though desperate

refugees from impending death pleaded with the

world to save them from predatory death that

aura of detached disinterest remained intact 

in the reality that nowhere were they welcome.

Those who spoke earnestly, desperately favouring

saving orphaned Jewish children in transports

to safety were heard, and then unheard. In the

diaspora community of dispersed Jews fear

arose that if they were to appear too aggressive

in their anguish at the fate of Europe's Jews

they risked their tenuous acceptance elsewhere

as a matter of life-and-death on an unimaginable

scale commenced while they quietly went about a

campaign appealing to humanity residing smugly

within the population they were permitted to

live amongst that would do nothing in response.

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