Monday, July 11, 2022

Separating Opportunists From Psychopaths

Image: Russia nuclear missiles

In the early stages there is the jostling and the

manipulation, the peer-to-peer challenges when

the venue of choice is the sportsfield, then the

fraternity and the opportunity to exert a different

type of power through exclusivity, blackballing

those who fail to meet the criterion of exceptional.

Narcissism, a trait associated with inner focus

can be shared equally among mere opportunists

viewing themselves as leadership-quality candidates

for high office. The power to control, to manipulate

equally attractive to the social deviants viewing

others through a sinister dark lens of disdain. At

the height of political achievement accomplished

political leaders of developed economies vie to

outdo one another even as some among them nurse

bitter grievances linked to territorial imperatives. It

becomes reality that at the pinnacle of power added

to widely-sought resources an irenic nation led by a

psychopath trades in threats and grudges, coldly

calculating no power can stand between his goals

achieved by plunder, destruction and mass murder

given his possession of bountiful energy resources

backstopped by reasonable fears of provoking in

the monster a rage so fierce nuclear conflict looms.


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