Thursday, July 21, 2022

Dominion of Restraint


The influence of small towns on the

character and behaviour of its residents

is a matter of historical nostalgia, places

where, as villages gathering farmers and

craftspeople together in a common area

where all were known to one another

resulted in a community of personalities

where the perennial divisive crank was

identified along with the meek mild

tempered man living with the harridan

and the local professionals in law and

medicine and church represented the

refined gentry, mercantile interests held

by those of exotic backgrounds and any

whiffs of impropriety sniffed out by

those with arcane talents from whom

nothing could be hidden. Proliferating

by word of mouth and a movable press

naming, blaming and shaming might

convince all and sundry to improve mode

of conduct lest local law enforcement be

moved to custodianship. That world of 

tight community surrendered to a world

where the population pool is immense

no longer confined to towns and villages 

of yore, where scandals and anti-social 

events of psychotic dimension continually 

flavour the news. The intimacy of belonging 

evaporated, the flamboyant flaunting of

celebrity absent moral boundaries reigns.



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