Thursday, June 9, 2022

Just Visiting


When we arrived the threat of rain ceased

and the sun appeared and we took this as

an omen that our presence mightily pleased

the elements to see us once again explore

the forest byways of the White Mountain

National Forest, treating us to the recalled

beauty of mountain streams gushing across

forest depths from valley to valley lapping

their way along the boulder-strewn runways.

Hemlock, pine and yellow birch bedecked 

with rosettes of green-grey lichen, dogwood

and moose maple in the lower storey of the

forest canopy, straw lilies, false Solomon's

Seal and Ladies Slipper, lilies-of-the-valley

and trilliums crowding the forest floor. The

stream foaming over erratics fallen from the

slopes above, song sparrows lilting bright

melodies and yellow admirals floating lighter

than air through the warm, humid dusk of

the forest interior. Yet leave we must to 

return another year to this magical place of

natural beauty, and as we do the skies weep

disconsolate; parting is such sweet sorrow.



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