Saturday, June 25, 2022

Hot Off The Presses

 A copy of Druthers newspaper that was delivered without permission of the homeowner.

Pssst! If you had your Druthers would you choose 

to discard news brought to you through the usual tired 

unionized sources with writers who bow to business 

and government telling the stories of the day with that 

left lean so very tediously unspiced, selling the approved

social stance of the day. Well, my friends take heart. 

Have you heard? There's a new publication in town

proudly independent, free for the asking and delivered 

right to your door; no fuss, no mess no charge. They 

recommend reading their sheets and passing them on 

to friends so no one will miss out on the very latest 

the very best interpretations, the most trustworthy 

of events recounted by the most reasoned writers 

whose orientation is just not that of the political and 

social mores we have been trained like seals to grasp at. 

Oh, paid subscriptions can be useful and free-press

supportive donations gratefully accepted. All of this 

can be yours, your voice in the public sphere. Waiting 

for you with fulsome screeds on the death grip of 

government on your lives, the sinister purpose of

Big Pharma leading society to its death throes and 

any number of conspiracy theories. Above all this 

free, data-stacked publication services the interests 

of those among us whose Jew-hatred is legendary.

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